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More about the series Stories of White Sands
THEM! AGAIN! | One Door Opens
Octet | Things from Another World

More about the Stories of White Sands
THEM! AGAIN! | One Door Opens
Octet | Things from Another World

More about the series:
Stories of White Sands

One Door Opens
Things from Another World


THEM! AGAIN! Good, clean, monsters vs. humans fun - and plenty of it - 200k+ words in an homage to the classic sci-fi stories that started it all! And yet . . .

Them! AGAIN! rewrites the origins of today's popular science fiction and exposes the secrets of the Agency in an intrigue with earth shaking implications.

Meet the small group fighting for their lives against nightmares reawakened in the desert by the forces that control our world.

Invade the depths of the subterranean nest with an intrepid squad of mercenaries, then journey back in time to join the original Arctic expedition to the downed UFO - the source of today's advanced technologies.

And discover, as Nikki does, that some monsters are human, if only for a while.

My First Book!

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I wrote it to be fun to read!

Take a look, give it a spin - read a few pages and maybe you’ll want to read more. I hope you like it because I put plenty into writing THEM! AGAIN!

It took five of your Earth years to complete and I can’t even say it’s done as there’s Octet, an anthology of connected short stories on the way, and the long short prequel, One Door Opens, which is already done. And then there some other things . . .

"There's plenty of excitement and suspense, but most of all, there's science fiction. I wrote THEM! AGAIN! and am working on the Stories of White Sands series as much as an homage to those original movies as it is a continuation of their stories."


Yes, there is a prequel!

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One Door Opens glimpses the beginnings of the Bunker, the lonely desert bar and early Walt the barkeep and how he met his favorite murderer.

But behind everything is the clandestine Agency, a powerful organization, unknown and impervious to scrutiny. For decades they have used secretely salvaged extraterrestrial technologies to fuel your world's development – but at a cost – absolute power.

A short story, ODO is available in eBook format at Amazon.

Yes, there is a prequel!

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One Door Opens glimpses the beginnings of the Bunker, Walt the barkeep, and his favorite murderer. Behind everything is the Agency, wielding the salvaged extraterrestrial technologies that have fueled your world’s development.

A short story, ODO is available in eBook format at Amazon KDP.

Yes, there's a prequel!

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One Door Opens glimpses the beginnings of the Bunker, Walt the barkeep, and his favorite murderer. Behind everything is the Agency, wielding salvaged extraterrestrial technologies that have fueled your world’s development.

A short story, ODO is available in eBook format at Amazon KDP.



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An anthology of short stories is coming up next. The collection will connect more of those mind-controlling media mechanisms that manipulate the masses (AKA movies) of a vintage sci-fi nature, to the real events that prompted those films that have become classic favorites.

This is going to be a lot of fun. Sign up below to be notified of early release and launch dates or pre-order at Amazon.


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An anthology of short stories is coming up next. The collection will connect more of those mind-controlling media mechanisms that manipulate the masses (AKA movies) of a vintage sci-fi nature, to the real events that prompted those films.

This is going to be a lot of fun. Sign up below to be notified of early release and launch dates.


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An anthology of short stories is coming up next. The collection will connect more of those mind-controlling media mechanisms that manipulate the masses (AKA movies) of a vintage sci-fi nature, to the real events that prompted those films.

This is going to be a lot of fun. Sign up below to be notified of early release and launch dates.

And then there's

Things from Another World

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Howard Hawks' original The Thing from 1951 was great. Watch the movie from a character's POV and you're part of small group, stalked by the Thing, cut-off and isolated in the Arctic. Talk about a chilling setting – it just makes me want more – but it's got to be really scary.

It must be great fun to write a story that scares people out of their wits. I'll do my best to do just that with a continuation of this terrifying tale.

If you want to know how it's going, sign up below – every now and then, I'll send you a couple of things . . .

Things from Another World

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I am going to do my best to do just that with a continuation of this terrifying tale.

If you want to know how it's going, sign up below – every now and then, I'll send you a couple of things . . .


from another world
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This has to be a big, scary book to do the original story any justice. Very big and very scary.

I have some notes and sketches, and think it's getting off to a great startle.

Sign up below and I'll keep you posted – I might even send you a thing or two . . .