A Martian stacking cardboard boxes
Things - Persistant Things - - - - Books - Desktop Wallpapers - The Prints Returns!
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THEM!, The Thing, The Blob, old movies like those kicked off today’s science fiction in the 1950s and turned space aliens and monsters into entertainment.

The Stories of White Sands series uncovers the Agency, the secret organization that salvaged alien technologies from a downed UFO in the Arctic in the 1950s and has been controlling the world since - until they lost control.

  • THEM! AGAIN! - The story of the Agency, stranded travelers, and monsters returned from the past. (200K+ words)
  • One Door Opens - A little backstory of two central characters from THEM! AGAIN!- it's about how Walt met his personal murderer. (Short story, 15k words)
  • Octet - An anthology of short stories currently underway, tying together several of our favorite movies and the truth behind them.
  • Things from Another World - Planned, and planned to be scary. I Wnat to write something that will terrify you. Sign up; watch the skies.
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Free to use, free to share, free to do whatever you want. Original images by Paul Dolan and Ai available in a variety of sizes for most popular screen resolutions. Check the page to see the sizes.

No copyrights, no watermarks, no attribution required. I hope you enjoy the pics - check back as I will update these pretty often - I like making them - better yet, sign up below and I will let you know when a new one comes out.

This Ai generated pic image is "The Reader" and was created using for the initial generation, Adobe Firefly for outpainting, and then tweaked up in Photoshop.

Click the red button to visit the 'wallpaper' page to see the different sizes avaailable of the this first issue of the original images.

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After many years, the print studio is coming back to create (and recreate) hand-pulled screen-printed poster art.

Always about quality and presentation, Paul Dolan's original prints will offer singular products, found nowhere else.

Be sure to sign up below to be notified when the studio is in production! (Think holidays!)